Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Niece is here!!!

I'm so excited that my niece Jessica is here!!! How wonderful is that?!?!?

She missed her original flight because she had some issues with Security. God forbid!! She was trying to bring her contact solution~ All those deeply criminal things like contact solution and face lotion . . . you never know what evil purposed those things might have. So rather than a direct flight from Iowa to Denver. She went Iowa to Chicago to Denver . .. All because of Contact lens solution! UGH!

So Tim and I went to pick her up at the air port . . .

Isn't she super cute!!!?!?!?!

After we ate lunch! which was wonderful grilled pork loin, and potato salad and berry salad, and Melon, Alex and Jess decided to try to play Lacrosse. Alex was teaching her how, since they don't have that sport in Iowa.

Here is Alex, it's hard to play lacrosse and hold up your pants at the same time!

Alex showing Jess how to cradle the ball in the basket.

Jess~ Isn't she pretty!?!?! She is so sweet too!

Where did the ball go Alex? Did you miss it?

I kept trying to catch a picture of the ball in flight . . . finally I did! but its hard to see since it's moving so fast it might have broke the sound barrier.

Once Jess was done playing Tim went to play with Alex . . . Tim used to play lacrosse when he was in school.

God I love this man! He is so wonderful!

I think he was really having fun playing with Alex!

Hey! He caught it!!! (I wasn't surprised! I knew he would!)
And then here is the highlight of the evening for my kids. They have a hooka (Its a Indian tobacco pipe that they put in fruit flavored tobacco in- This is NOT used for DRUGS!) I have never smoked anything, so they had me try the banana flavored stuff, and then watched me as my face turned green. It was icky!!

It was such a great day . . . after my hooka (ICK) adventure we went in the house and played cards and talked! It was super fun!
Today we are off to the mountains! We are going to Mount Evans, Echo Lake and to Idaho Springs to eat Beau Jo's Pizza!
Alex is coming with us, since he is out work . . . it should be super fun! Although it will be really cold! It's only supposed to be cold and Rainy and only about 45 degrees in the mountains today! Burrr!! We will still have fun!


  1. Sounds like everyone is having a great time. Take lots of pictures incase we do another cyber crop.

  2. I have taken tons already!!! I'm so happy and excited she is here!
