Saturday, January 24, 2009

A zoo of sickness

I have been sick . . .

Feel over all just totally ran down and icky . . .
My chest is so tight it feels like an "elephant" is sitting on it, and when I cough it sounds like a "seal" barking . . .
Between the holidays, and now getting ready for Valentines day, and Tim leaving, and Tony wanting to go, and Alex wanting to go . . . and Avery being Avery, I think I'm just ran down.
I have spent the last three days laying on the sofa drinking mint water, and watching movies . . .
I have slept tons, so I guess the movies were watching me, rather than me watching the movies.
I need to be well before next thrusday, Tim will be home Thursday night!!!! So that's my goal, No more sickness . . . and then Valentines is not that far away . . . so I have to be well for that.
UGH . . . I think I will go lay down some more and rest, just thinking of Valentines makes me want to huddle up under the blanket!


  1. I think it's time for a visit to the doctor. If you have an elephant sitting on your chest and you sound like a barking's probably more than a cold! Don't make me come drive you myself! :) I hope you feel better soon.

  2. By the way, what is that hanging on the wall behind you, by the phone? Is that a chalk board or a tv?

  3. That is a drawing Avery Did in 3rd grade . . . it's amazing, it's a marker drawing, of a bowl of fruit. . . (I will try to take a better picture of it to show you. It was so good that it was in the Cherry Creek Art show that year.

    (I'm hoping I can say, without sounding too . . . uhh "motherish" . . . that's my boy! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!)

    I'm also thinking that that might be the only thing he got from me is a tad bit of artistic talent.) :) (I love that boy!)
