Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Its been slow in the store the last couple of days . . . so I'm bringing some of my preplanned lay outs to the store to work on! Kathy the lady who works for me is coming in today, on her day off to work on her scrapbooks too!

I love the days when I get to be creative for myself, rather than for everyone else. I have 152 preplanned pages ready to get done. So I am hoping to put a dent in those. And you would think with that many preplanned pages, that I would be out of pictures, but I still have TONS of pictures!

I have been keeping up with Tim and My album . . . and I'm fairly close to having Tony's album totally done . . . then I can concentrate on catching up Alex's and finishing Avery's, I have 2 more years to get Avery's done, (Before he graduates) So I'm really hopeful I can accomplish that.

My mom wants me to scrap all of her vacations . . . so I told her to go through her pictures and write on the back of each picture, when it was and what they were doing . . . She said to me, and I quote "That's so much work!" Hummm . . . isn't it more work to actually scrap the pages when you don't know what was really happening. I made her Poland album . . . and with as much as I love my mom and dad I didn't really want to talk to them by the time I was done with it. They didn't write ANYTHING down, not where they were, not what they were doing, not what was going on . . . NOTHING! So I had to research each picture . . . and figure out what and where, it was horrible hard . . . but it is done, and I never have to think about it again! Happy Happy!!

So I hope all of you are scrapbooking and if you aren't, at least label and dated and document what is happening in your pictures, so if you ever do decide you want to scrapbook then . .. . you will have it all handy and know what was going on!!!

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