Friday, January 30, 2009
What have you done?
Tim got home last night
I screamed "Oh my God!" and ran to him. The dogs all started barking and jumping! We were all thrilled to see him!
So we ate dinner, and just chilled. I think between working so hard in New Mexico and that long drive he was exhausted. Plus he has been sleeping on his friend Jim's pull out sofa bed in his Motor home . . . so Tim's back has been hurting.
He laid down in our bed and sighed with happiness!
I laid down beside HIM and sighed with HAPPINESS!
Today he has some errands to do, and I will go toodle around with him, probably most of the time wrapped around him like a CHERI~COAT!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Scrapbooking today
This is me and Jaqui, her dad did a photo session of us, before my wedding . . . this has always been one of my favorite pictures from the wedding.
I Accidentally double exposed the film, so there is this great picture of me and Jaqui, and then in the background there is a wedding picture from my first hubby's best friends wedding . . . I think it looks pretty cool, especially the stained glass light coming in on to me and Jaqui. this photo was taken on my wedding day before we started getting ready. I think I have some cool stickers to put on this lay out too . . . I didn't do it yet . . . so it looks a little on the plain side.
This is the only picture that was taken when I met my biological father's mother, my grand mother. I met her and my biological father for the first time when I was 28.
These photos were taken at Tony's 1st birthday . . . this lay out is for Alex's book so it's mostly of Alex and the things he is doing. (They were so stinkin' cute and sweet! I wish they didn't have to grow up, and they could have stayed little like this forever.)
Former hubby #2 . . . Halloween with sparkles on his face . . . I'm still scrapping some of the pictures from my life with him . . . I'm just not planning on doing a lot of journaling (I'm really not that nice of a person, and think I would end up saying too many bad things if I did much journaling on the layout from that part of my life. . . . but it was a part of my life, and in my way of thinking, scrapbooking is telling a life story . . . he was a part of mine . . . so I guess I need to include him.
I like this lay out a lot. These are picture of me and Jaqui and Lorinda . . . we had gone up the mountain to do family pictures with me and the boys . . . and just happened to take a few with my girls too . . .
A fun day at the amusement park . . .
I didn't think I would like the color combos on this one, but I ended up really liking it when it was done, It was a simple lay out, but still nice.
What is the strangest thing you have ever put on a scrapbooking lay out? I have scrapped toilet paper, and paper towels, and now DUCT TAPE. This lay out will go in Avery's book . . . this is his best friend, he's on the smallish side, and so my boys had him stand on a chair and they duct taped him to the wall and then pulled the chair out . . . and he just hung there. So to me it was fitting that I put duct tape on the lay out.
So those are the lay outs I did today . . . it was a productive scrapbooking day!!
I love the days when I get to be creative for myself, rather than for everyone else. I have 152 preplanned pages ready to get done. So I am hoping to put a dent in those. And you would think with that many preplanned pages, that I would be out of pictures, but I still have TONS of pictures!
I have been keeping up with Tim and My album . . . and I'm fairly close to having Tony's album totally done . . . then I can concentrate on catching up Alex's and finishing Avery's, I have 2 more years to get Avery's done, (Before he graduates) So I'm really hopeful I can accomplish that.
My mom wants me to scrap all of her vacations . . . so I told her to go through her pictures and write on the back of each picture, when it was and what they were doing . . . She said to me, and I quote "That's so much work!" Hummm . . . isn't it more work to actually scrap the pages when you don't know what was really happening. I made her Poland album . . . and with as much as I love my mom and dad I didn't really want to talk to them by the time I was done with it. They didn't write ANYTHING down, not where they were, not what they were doing, not what was going on . . . NOTHING! So I had to research each picture . . . and figure out what and where, it was horrible hard . . . but it is done, and I never have to think about it again! Happy Happy!!
So I hope all of you are scrapbooking and if you aren't, at least label and dated and document what is happening in your pictures, so if you ever do decide you want to scrapbook then . .. . you will have it all handy and know what was going on!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Till Thursday~~~
I can't wait to see you Tim, I miss you so much!!!
I'm at the store and this computer is horribly slow, so I had to call Gennae to see if she could change it back for me.
She said she would do it . . . and a little while later I get a call from her and she was giggling, "How did you do that??" She managed to fix it for me! So now we can all read what I have to say again . . . thanks to Gennae! The goddess of the Blog!!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Thank you for the love . . . .
Well, today I want to thank everyone for their love . . .
I am so blessed with people who love me and have given me love that I'm overwhelmed with it. What a joy and blessing!
So here is the short list. If I have forgotten someone or something, forgive me . . .
~I have a good home and I'm happy and contented here.
~I have 3 beautiful boys who fill my life with joy, laughter and tears
~My mom, dad and Aunty are fantastic! and supportive of me in everything life throws at me.
~I have TIM! (need I say more)
~I have the support of my friends . . . you know who you are! You guys are wonderful and I'm truly blessed to have you.
~I have a beautiful extended family . . . a sisters, nieces and nephews . . . I'm grateful for all of them.
~I have my scrapbook ladies who make me smile and are always a pillar of strength
~I have my pets who are with me and ALWAYS happy to see me.
~I have my faith . . . although it isn't a "Church" I feel very spiritually connected to a higher power and know that with faith everything will work out.
~I have loved and been loved by many people . . . and that fills me up in the quiet hours . . .
~I have found pieces and parts of my family that I thought were lost forever . . . Welcome back to my world, Jessica, Justin, Jeffrey, Kayla, and Samantha . . . I'm happy you are here!
My friend Mac teases me all the time, she says "Cheri you have a GREAT BIG HEART and a TEENY TINY BRAIN" . . . my heart sometimes gets me into trouble because I do everything with all my heart . . . and it gets hurt easily . . . But I don't know that I would change that even if I could.
I love all the people who are in my life, and I thank you for the love you give back to me.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A stalker . . . from long ago, returns
I guess this wasn't a very nice post . . . sorry . . . but I guess I would rather be safe than sorry . . .
A zoo of sickness
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Alex

When Alex played foot ball in High School, they had parent appreciation night . . . and this was one of those nights where I felt "my cup runneth over" I was so happy and proud of my boy. Just like I am every day . . . every day that I see what a great "MAN" he has become.
This is a picture with his "Great Grandpa Shorty". Shorty was in the nursing home with Alzheimer's, and they brought him outside to see all of us, and the orderly came out and said "Shorty, who are all these people?"
Shorty said, "I have NO Idea, but they are all here to see me!"
Alex was walking around in his walker on the patio and Shorty wanted to hold him. So we let him and Shorty kept saying "He sure is a heavy little fella!"

This is a picture at Tony's 1st birthday party. Alex, Colton and Sean were supposed to be painting pictures on poster board, but decided to paint each other instead. Too cute!!!
It was a wild week for us. (That's the understatement of the year!)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Alone again . . . naturally (As the song goes)

I'm keeping busy and moving through the days . . . I'm working on being ok with the "Alone-ness", and I WILL master this, me and Scarlet O'hara . . . we are both strong women!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Slipping through my fingers
Ok I know I'm a geeky, weepy girl right now . . . That's not in dispute. So today while I'm making greeting cards for the store I'm watching Mama Mia on my computer. There is a song in the movie called, "Slipping through my fingers" And as I was watching and listening to the words I started crying. So here are the words . . . I changed the "She's" to "He's". It seems very fitting . . .
Slipping Through My Fingers
Schoolbag in hand, he leaves home in the early morning
Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smileI watch him go with a surge of that well-known sadness
And I have to sit down for a while
The feeling that Im losing him forever
And without really entering his world
Im glad whenever I can share his laughter
That funny little boy
Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Do I really see whats in his mind
Each time I think I'm close to knowing
He keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Sleep in our eyes, he and me at the breakfast table
Barely awake, I let precious time go by
Then when he's gone theres that odd melancholy feeling
And a sense of guilt I cant deny
What happened to the wonderful adventures
The places I had planned for us to go
(slipping through my fingers all the time)
Well, some of that we did but most we didnt
And why I just dont know
Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Do I really see whats in his mind
Each time I think Im close to knowing
He keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
And save it from the funny tricks of time
Slipping through my fingers...Slipping through my fingers all the time
Schoolbag in hand he leaves home in the early morning
Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile...
Kendra and the belly
Yesterday I got to spend some time with my friend Kendra . . . it was so exciting! I adore Kendra, we go WAY back.
When Alex was just a tiny sprout, about 18 months, we moved into our first house, and Kendra, and her sister Gennae moved in next door. Kendra was 11, and Gennae was 12, Kendra became Alex's best friend!

She baby sat him all the time and when ever she was out of school she would come over and visit him and he would call her "Kenna" and take her hand and pick a book and drag her into the little tent he had in his room, and she would read to him.
So as Alex has gotten older she has always felt as thought "Alex was her boy" Gennae was always closer with Tony . . .

and babies. . . (Kendra is due in June with a fantastic baby boy)
I guess this is another of those moments where I am feeling as time has gone by too fast. Even though there is a decade or so separating me and the girls in age, They are some of the best friends I have ever had.
So with me being Blue lately, I think the girls decided I needed an outing . . . (Too sweet) Kendra called me and asked me to go on a "Date" with her. So we met up at the movie theater and watched Bride wars, it was cute! Then we came home to my house and sat and talked, its super nice when you have someone in your life who you have such history with that knows "almost all your stories" and who you can say something to and they know where it's going and how you feel.
It was really a great night . . . and I enjoy having time with her so much.
I have been making baby blankets for the baby and couldn't decide which one I wanted to give her, so I showed the two I was thinking of, and she looked at them, and then smiled at me, "I want them both!" ok . . . she can have them both, and probably 4 more because with Tim gone I have a lot of time on my hands, (The baby will never be cold). That's the funny thing with old friends is that they can tell you the truth and what they are really thinking and wanting . . . I love that!
This thought brings me full circle, this tiny baby in Kendra's belly, is hopefully going to be someone I get to spend a lot of time with, just like she spent time with Alex, I want to be that baby's "best friend", I want to crawl into its reading tent and read it stories, and go to the zoo, and play in the front yard with it in the sprinklers . . . I want to be the kind of friend to her baby as she was to Alex . . . I hope I have the opportunity.
So I want to thank Both Kendra and Gennae for being such great friends to me.
Also, I want to tell Gennae "Happy birthday, we thought about you a lot last night and wished that you were there with us celebrating your birthday, because we both miss you so much. Thank you so much for being a great friend to me. I love you."
And as for you Miss Kendra~ "You Rock!" :)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
My little boys
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
I have been thinking a lot about my boys and when they were little . . . I'm feeling very "Schmultzy" ~ go figure!
Friday, January 16, 2009
The potential of the Marines