Monday, April 19, 2010

Putting one foot in front of the other

I'm not going to pout . . .

Well maybe except to tell you that I'm constipated . . . and it makes my tummy hurt. But I'm not pouting about that . . . I will drink some juice and hopefully get back on track . . .

We cleaned and redid my office! I got a new desk (It was used from Tim's work) and I love it! I have spent so much time this weekend working in my office to get it all organized! It feels good!

Here are a couple pictures.

This is my shelf where I have the albums I have done, and some of my organized stuff . . . I love having all my supplies labeled! It helps me out so much. I can be a little scatterbrained and so it makes sense to me to have labels on everything.

Don't look in the hall . . . I made a mess out there!! But I wanted to show you this part of my desk . . . I'm going to use this part for bills and letters and that kind of Envelope stuff. I have a set of plastic drawers under the desk (in the picture), but stole them from my self to use to organize more of my colored supplies for scrapbooking. Note to self, get new drawers!

I love my pink and red walls! They make me happy! And I love that I have all kinds of sentimental things . . . things that remind me of people I love!

Drawers! I love having all my drawers labeled!!! How do you organize? Do you label? Or do you just "know" where things are . . . In my house you have to have labels, but no one puts things back where they go any way . . . but the labels are nice and look so pretty. I love my Cricut! It works so well and makes me such pretty labels!

My pretty red wall!!! This wall color makes me happy . . . and looks so warm and bright. It is an inspirational color for me . . . How can you be depressed in a room with pink and red walls? I don't know, I guess I manage it . . . but I'm trying not to.

See the pretty flowers on my table that Tim bought me??? He is so good to me! I love him!
Spring/Summer is on the horizon! I can feel it in the air. Tim had Beth's boys come over and do some yard work this weekend . . . and our yard is really looking good! Tim is still hurting from the car accident, but can I get him to just sit and relax, you guessed it . . . NO, so he goes and goes and then hurts and hurts. Yesterday he couldn't find his pain meds, so I looked for them. And found them in his truck. He had looked in the truck but didn't see them . . . See? What would he do without me??? He will never find out.
I can see a willow tree out my office window and it's such a pretty green! It's only just the sprigs of green right now . . . but it's beautiful!
I love this time of year!

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