Saturday, April 4, 2009

11:11 the witching hour- or way past it for me!

Today was a GREAT day! I worked a little, but the wonderful thing is I have my REAL voice back! I don't sound like a longshoreman any more! Yippee! I have a girl voice again. I hope it stays with me! If I don't talk too much then I sound better, but I have wanted to talk for so long that I think I may have over used my voice a bit!

So, here's the thing I have been thinking about . . . . There are so many women with husbands and significant others over sees, fighting in the war, and they don't get to see those men for 6 months to a year at a time . . . those same men have mothers who miss and ache for their sweet boys . . . And here I have a man, Tim (just in case you were wondering ) who I get to see every 10 days, and I'm whining and complaining because he isn't with me every day, and I feel selfish because I want my honey with me all the time. (did you ever notice that TIM is just Time with a "e"?) . So today it all popped in to perspective . . . I am so LUCKY! I'm truly blessed, because I get to see the man I love so much when there are so many who can't . . . (Thank you God). I think sometimes we have to actually step back from our own lives to realize how wonderful we have it.

I have a man who loves me, who I love totally and completely and who I get to see every 10 days, and I still want to whine and complain because I don't get to crawl in bed and hold him every night. (I truly miss that). . . . but I DO get to see him every 10 days! I'm blessed! I'm truly blessed! And I need to remember that!

Just in case you read this Tim, I love you with all my heart!

And on a side note, Today I got to spend time with my wonderful BFF Jaqui! We have known each other since we were like 8 or 9 . . . we have had our ups and our downs, but over time we both know that nothing will take away our love for each other. We have too much history (And blackmail info) with each other, that we HAVE to stay friends so that no one else learns our secrets!

So Jaqui and went to lunch today at 11:30 and finally finished lunch about 5 . . . . so we watched the lunch crowd come and then the dinner crowd. It was so great! We really hadn't gotten to see each other since New years eve, so we had a lot to catch up on. It was wonderful to spend time with her . . . It seems that no matter how much time we spend apart . . . that when we get together . . . no time has passed.

So today really taught me, that I am truly blessed! I have the love of a wonderful man, who I love and adore with all my heart! and I have friends who are so much a part of my life that I sometime forget where they stop and I start . . . but I think that's the joy of knowing someone most of your life, is you get to feel that way . . . and I'm so lucky I have so many friends who I feel that way with, but today, was my Jaqui day, and I'm blessed to have gotten to spend the day with her.

Then when Jaqui and I finished lunch I came home and was actually scrappbooking! (Yippee on that too) and my oldest son Alex showed up at the house (its a Saturday night) he said "Mom, I'm bored." and then spent time with me in my scrap room looking at pictures and talking! I am SO blessed. Alex is 21, and one of my most favorite people on the planet! I am so lucky! that it makes me want to cry . . . How did God know I wanted a son like him? (I guess that's Gods job) but I still feel so blessed. After we were done talking I cut Alex's hair . . . He told me, "You can cut it, but I hope you don't F*ck it up!" I didn't . . . Happily! but the boy spent like 4 hours with me on a Saturday night when he could have been out, running around like a fool~ because he is 21. I am so blessed.

I am SO blessed . . . I have Tim! need I say more. . . . He is all the things I have ever wished for and more. . . . I have wonderfully fabulous friends like Jaqui and all my other ones (you know who you are!!!) And I have the most fantastic kids on the planet . . . (Ok I know I'm bias . . . but they really are great!)

I'm a lucky, lucky, girl . . . I have every thing a girl could want . . . thank you God for all the wonderful blessings in my life!

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