Friday, May 28, 2010

Life . . . today . . . is . . . good . . .

Still haven't figured out how to post songs. Gennae said she would help me, but we have both been so busy, that we haven't had time, so here is a link to the song that is playing through my mind today. I love this song. I know it was in a movie, but I can't remember what movie, so if you know it, please let me know.

I made two things for my trip to Iowa~

This is a tutu and hair bow for my new grand daughter! It's so tiny. . . . the tutu is 9 inches around!!! I googled how big a babies waist is . . . Sooooooooo tiny . . .

And here is the thank you note I wrote for Brent! For paying for me to come out there and be apart of this wonderful event!!!

I had to wander around Dick sports for a long time to find PINK WORMS~ Because if you are having a baby girl, you have to have PINK WORMS, Right??? And considering PINK is MY color, It almost had to be PINK ~ What else would work? Nothing!

I'm so excited for my trip. I started packing my suit case (A BIG suit case) yesterday, and I have it almost full, but still don't have any clothes in it!!! OOPS! I guess I will be naked my whole trip! (That will be a way to make an impression on IOWA!!) I think I'm going to put my clothes in my carry on . . . since the other suit case if full of Presents.

I'm still hoping to make one more tutu for the baby, a camouflage and pink one . . . in honor of Brent . . . but I'm having troubles with the camo tulle, I have to paint it. And then I worry that I'm putting spray painted tulle on a baby . . . So I'm not sure I am going to do it that way. I may have to just keep looking for camo tulle, and not paint it . . . I would never want to hurt the baby, so I think I will have to hold off on that. I can always mail it out later on!

I went to Team Mobile yesterday and had them set up my phone so I could get to my "ladies" while I'm on my trip . . . and they did, but for some reason I can't post . . . humm . . . I guess I need to go back to the phone store today and get them to fix that.

I have two parties this weekend for Maggianos . . . so this morning I need to get those made. I'm so happy this is a long weekend . . . I think we all need a bit of a break! I know I sure do!

Well that's about it for me . . .

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