Friday, May 28, 2010

Things that I love that make me happy!

In no particular order, just randomness.

If I have forgotten someone or something, forgive me . . . I'm just human . . .

Kennedy in this pictures makes me giggle! The look on her face is priceless. I think the glasses confused her.

My Kendra and Gennae! And how they let me be the Christmas Elf for their kids . . . because that's just the way I have fun!

Rahni Rae~
My dogs

Kendra and Braeden
My Jaqui!!

My mom and Auntie

My daddy!

Me and my Timmy! My family!!!

Bailey~ She's so sweet

Memories~ Good goofy times!

Roger~ What a goof!!!
MY Jessie!!! She makes my heart so happy!

Juliette!!! The best little dog on the planet!!!

Kennedy! She loves me unconditionally. When she sees me, she puts her hands on my face and then opens her mouth and tries to eat my face off~ It's her version of "kissing" me.

My family!!!

Jade, not really my dog, but I love her! I love all my dogs!!

My Thomas- Always in my heart!



My boys


Memories, and Jaqui and Roger!!!


Tim! My wish come true! And Scrapbooking!

Life . . . today . . . is . . . good . . .

Still haven't figured out how to post songs. Gennae said she would help me, but we have both been so busy, that we haven't had time, so here is a link to the song that is playing through my mind today. I love this song. I know it was in a movie, but I can't remember what movie, so if you know it, please let me know.

I made two things for my trip to Iowa~

This is a tutu and hair bow for my new grand daughter! It's so tiny. . . . the tutu is 9 inches around!!! I googled how big a babies waist is . . . Sooooooooo tiny . . .

And here is the thank you note I wrote for Brent! For paying for me to come out there and be apart of this wonderful event!!!

I had to wander around Dick sports for a long time to find PINK WORMS~ Because if you are having a baby girl, you have to have PINK WORMS, Right??? And considering PINK is MY color, It almost had to be PINK ~ What else would work? Nothing!

I'm so excited for my trip. I started packing my suit case (A BIG suit case) yesterday, and I have it almost full, but still don't have any clothes in it!!! OOPS! I guess I will be naked my whole trip! (That will be a way to make an impression on IOWA!!) I think I'm going to put my clothes in my carry on . . . since the other suit case if full of Presents.

I'm still hoping to make one more tutu for the baby, a camouflage and pink one . . . in honor of Brent . . . but I'm having troubles with the camo tulle, I have to paint it. And then I worry that I'm putting spray painted tulle on a baby . . . So I'm not sure I am going to do it that way. I may have to just keep looking for camo tulle, and not paint it . . . I would never want to hurt the baby, so I think I will have to hold off on that. I can always mail it out later on!

I went to Team Mobile yesterday and had them set up my phone so I could get to my "ladies" while I'm on my trip . . . and they did, but for some reason I can't post . . . humm . . . I guess I need to go back to the phone store today and get them to fix that.

I have two parties this weekend for Maggianos . . . so this morning I need to get those made. I'm so happy this is a long weekend . . . I think we all need a bit of a break! I know I sure do!

Well that's about it for me . . .

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I woke up this morning and really felt Otis Redding, "try a little tenderness" !

Ever have a day when that happens, like you just need to fill your world with some sort of song . . . and it's like your theme song for the day. I changed my ring tone on my phone to that song, posted it for my "ladies" and listened to it over and over.

Isn't it funny how a song can take you to a different place and time.

When I think of "Try a little Tenderness" I see this in my head~ One of my favorites! Don't you just love the 80's! I do . . . I guess the decade of your teenage years is always one of your favs . . . and the 80's will always be mine. Nothing like big hair and bubble gum music!!

Every time I hear the GoGo's ~ "we got the beat", and "Our lips are sealed" it takes me back to my freshman year in high school, when Jaqui and Christi Oberbaugh and I decided we were going to make a band and sing like the GoGo's . . . We listened to their music on a portable tape player, and and sat out side of the school on the lawn and sang.

And every time I hear Stevie Nicks, I think of Jaqui . . . it doesn't matter what song, I think of her. Always have, probably always will. Even though she doesn't "like" her like she used to, I will forever associate Stevie Nicks with Jauqi.

When Drew and I broke up, And Gennae and her boy friend broke up, she and I listened to a lot of Jodee masssina . . . Bring on the rain . . . so pretty much any time I hear that song it takes me back to the day Gennae was coming to have lunch with me at the store, and it was raining and we were sad, and she came in and said that she was listening to that song. I think I can almost remember what she was wearing that day!

I remember when Roger and Jaqui and I were juniors in high school and he was driving me to work and Jaqui was riding along, and we were eating peanut butter crackers in the car, and Roger decided to go 100 miles per hour and he flipped the car. The song on playing was Billy Idols, "White Wedding" It was also the song I had them play when I gave the toast at his wedding to Hileigh . . .

Music can take you to a different place and time . . . it can conjure up good memories and bad . . . it can help you to "visit" people you hadn't thought about in a long time. I love music . . . Enjoy some music today that takes you back in time. Remember . . . and enjoy the memories . . . For where you have been in life helps you to know where you are going.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Last night I had a dream about the "Bad Tim" . . . that he was still stalking me . . . I guess after last weeks whoo~ha, and him trying to get in touch with me again, and the creepiness of the song he sent me, Called~ The ghost woman and the hunter. I'm still a little scared. I blocked him from my facebook. And I believe I had already blocked him from my regular email . . . but he is resourceful and likes to send inappropriate messages to me through my wire services. Hopefully with him being blocked he will leave me alone.
This is a picture of when we were dating, before he became a psychopathic, crazy, stalker.
If you see him lurking around any where I am . . . please call the police. I have not spoken to him in over 2 years and he still won't stop. He scares me.

I'm going to Iowa!!! My niece Rahni Rae is having a baby, a baby girl! And her hubby Brent wanted to fly me out for a surprise for her. . . Well . . . she discovered the messages between us, and he had to tell her what was going on. She is so happy she started "Bawling" (That's what Brent said.) So I'm making plans to go there. It should be a lot of fun!

Maggianos, the Italian restaurant is keeping me pretty busy! I had a phone call yesterday from a woman on the east coast who is having a party on July 3. That's pretty exciting . . . The business is growing.

Patti and I got together and took some pictures of Kennedy and Mariah in the tutus and bows. We are going to make posters of the girls and hopefully we will get some more business . . . Still need to figure out how to store the tulle I have cut and ready to make Tutus out of . . . So if you come up with something please let me know.
Here are some of the pictures from the photo shoot~
Kennedy and her cuteness!

Totally love this picture of Mariah! She is so pretty!

I love how the colors pop on this one!
I don't know what was going on with her tongue! But it was too cute not to post!

Happy Buddha baby!

Her pappy (Tim) was playing with her and then it was her turn to take pictures again so he laid her down, I think she was a little confused . . . like "Hey, where did you go? I wasn't done with you yet!"
ok on to other things, lately I have had such bad gas . . . I don't understand it. I'm trying to eat better . . . is that what is causing the gas? I don't know? I don't like it either . . . there have been times where I would like to leave the room I'm in and leave me there . . . but I can't get away from it. . . Hard to be lady like and have horrible bad gas! Know what I mean?
Well I guess that's enough from me today . . . have a good one.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So busy today

Today is my purse (Beautiful Red Channel purse~ Its for sale if you decide you can't live without it!!!) and Tutu and bow show at the hotel . . . I think I'm ready for it. . . . I hope. Just got to make sure the purses all have prices on them.

Gonna make a flower arrangement for the hotel lobby. And Take some carnations with my business card attached . . . but I think more than anything, I'm selling me . . . So I have to be charming and wonderful . . . Lets see how that goes . . .

Yesterday I was not feeling charming and wonderful . . . I was feeling totally overwhelmed. My head was too full . . . and there were too many things going on.

Between the hotel show, and the parties for Maggianos (I had 16 centerpieces to make for them yesterday. And another party for them on Friday and other things on the horizon) and getting more head bows and tutus done, and dealing with Tim and his work situation and Alex and his police situation . . . my head was full. And my body tired. I didn't have the energy to talk, or be happy . . . I would have really loved to have just come home and crashed on my sofa. (sorry Jaqui . . . just having one of those down days)

But I had tutus to make . . . and hair bows . . . UGH! (Does this red head ever get a break?)
So I'm sitting on the sofa with Alex and we are watching Superman (With Christopher Reeve) and I ask Alex ~ "Do you ever feel like not talking?" He laughed and said "All the time." Maybe my son comes by his quietness naturally . . . he gets it from the overwhelmed part of my personality!

On a happy note~ (This is Rahni and Gabby . . . her super cute son . . . my grandson!)My niece Rahni Rae's Hubby Brent Messaged me and asked me if I would come out for when my beautiful Grand daughter Alexa is born June 7 (Yes, I know she is my niece so that would make the baby my great niece, but I get to be the mama to all my sisters kids- but that's a story for another day.) He wants to surprise her! And I get to be the surprise! And what a wonderful gift for me! I get to be there when this wonderful new life comes in to the world! My camera is so excited! What a wonderful picture opportunity for me!!!

Well I got so much to do to get ready for the hotel show . . . I promised her I would help her stage the rooms . . . so I gotta get some stuff together. (How did I get that job? When did it come in to my head that I know how to stage a room?? Oh well, you know me, I will fake it till I make it!) So that's it for me today. Talk to you later.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A sad realization

My youngest son is a bad person.

I realize this yesterday when my mom came in to the store and started telling me what he did.

(He has been living with my mom and dad for a bout a year now because he decided that I was too horrible to live with, because I was redecorating his bathroom to update it and make it nice for him.)
Mom said, "I was up stairs and I heard Avery saying "you are so stupid. So dumb. You are the most retarded person on the planet." I came down stairs to see who he was talking to, and he was talking to Auntie. (This is my mother's sister. One of the sweetest most gentle people to ever walk the face of the planet. My auntie would give you the shirt off her back . . . she is the most loving person)I told him he couldn't talk like that. And he needed to apologise. He did, but not sincerely. And then said he was just joking."

Jokes are supposed to be funny. Not hurtful and mean.

I guess Auntie kind of just shut down and didn't say anything else . . . Which hurts my feelings.

When mom was telling me this, my heart hurt so bad. I cried . . . She cried. We know there is something off about my son . . . My former hubby #1 thinks that this son is "Fine" "nothing wrong with him." probably because they act just alike, as though they are the only people on the planet that matter.

I have known for a while that Avery was not the same kind of person as his brothers . . . and he has been mean and hateful to me for a long while now. But to be mean to Auntie . . . she is such a kind and gentle soul . . . she wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone.It's horrible! I can't believe I raised such a child.

What did I do wrong? I didn't drop him or anything. I loved him and played with him and took care of him just like the other two. I probably even got to spend more one on one time with him, since the other two were in school.

I just don't understand it. I don't know what to think . . .

Maybe with his MMA stuff he has got smacked in the head a little too hard . . . Maybe he needs to be smacked harder! I don't know.

I cried yesterday, because I realized that he is a bad person . . . that is a hard reality to have when you think of that "bad person" being one of your children. I know kids do bad things . . . but to be a bad mean nasty person is something totally different. I'm at a loss.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Is it ever gonna get better?

Today I had a meeting with a lady at a hotel . . . hope to do lots of business with them!!

And as we were sitting and talking over wonderful omelets, she asked me how many children I have.
I said three .
Then I tried to clarify . . . and I started to mention Thomas . . . but I got to the part of my story, (like one line in) where I say, I lost Thomas to Leukemia in November, and I teared up and couldn't speak . . . I think she thought I was nuts.

So I worry that I'm always going to be a blubbering idiot . . . I don't want to be . . . but dang, the hurt doesn't seem to go away.

I did get the account with her. And I think it has potential to be a good/big one . . . Keep your fingers crossed.

Some days I feel like my mantra should be "I'm not going to cry today." and other days . . . it should be . . . "I'm not crazy, I'm just a little insane!"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Birthday

I love you with all my heart!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I got a new phone on mother's day.

It looks really nice, doesn't it?

Looking at it is about as much as I can do . . . Because I am too inept to be able to work it.

UGH! It makes me very frustrated. And unhappy . I feel like I should be able to at least work my stinkin' phone . . . what is wrong with me? Do you have to be under 30 years old to figure out how to work something like that?

I know that Alex or Tony will teach me and help me . . . but dang . . . I want to be able to do it myself.

After I got my phone, Tim was having a moment of "phone envy" so we went from my phone store to his (We are on two separate plans, since his is "mostly" business related and Qwest give him a discount with his carrier) I got a text message while we were at his carrier and I couldn't figure out how to send one back, I asked the lady there to help me . . . she was nice and she did . . . but how hard is this phone thing??? Shouldn't I be smart enough to work the stupid phone???

Oh well. Tim says I will get the gist of it . . . it will just take time . . . Personally I want to take the phone and throw it at the wall . . .