Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fathers . . .

I have been writing with my cousin Weslaw in Poland for about a year now. I didn't want to jump off and just start badgering him about sending me pictures and giving me all the family info, but I'm finally comfortable enough to get some of the info I want from him.
A little back story. My grandmother Anna, married a man name Zigmund. They had two daughters, Irene and Kashia. Then the war got bad and Anna decided to try to get to Germany. The Germans would only allow her to bring one child with her. So being a good mother, she decided to leave the stronger of her children there, giving it the best chance for survival and take the more sickly with her. (I know it was the hardest decision of her life, and she suffered for it for the rest of hers.)
Well . . . My mom was born in Germany. She is 6 years younger than Irene, and 5 years younger than Kashia, (Who she didn't know.) I asked Irene once if their father ever came to Germany, she said "no" then I asked her "So who is moms dad then?" She back peddled really fast. "Oh yeah he came!" so I asked, "If he came then why didn't he bring Kashia with him?" Aunty just got flustered and wouldn't talk to me any more.
So back to my story. So Pretty much we know that Anna And Zigmund had two daughters, Irene and Kashia. And Anna and some unknown mystery man had Pauline.
I asked my cousin Weslaw if he would scan some pictures of his Grandfather and send them to me, for a special gift for my mom since she never saw her father. (I didn't want to go into the story that Zigmund couldn't be my moms dad . . . we are just keeping it simple.) And he sent some pictures. YIPPEE!!! I love pictures!!!!!!!

This is a picture of my Baba (Ukrainian grandma) Anna. She embroidered that vest herself, with all kinds of pretty colors. She loved pretty colors! The brighter the better. I guess I get that from her!

Zigmunds family when he was little, I don't know who anyone really is. Or even which one he is in the picture, except he has to be one of the two little boys.

So here is another picture . . . this is the same woman from the previous photo, so that's his mom, and there is only one boy in the photo so that must be Zigmund . . . but how does that correspond to the previous photo, and what does the writing say??? Anyone read Polish and would like to translate???

here is Zigmund when he was a little older . . . playing the accordion . . .(Did I ever tell you when I was about 5 years old my mom made me take accordion lessons!?!?!?! I hated it! So I ran away from home, well just to the neighbors house, because I didn't want to play the accordion)

And here is Zigmund as a grown man . . . I haven't decided if I like this picture or not. there is something about his eyes that are very haunting to me . . . and I hate that no one is smiling . . .in any of the photos . . . ok I understand it was Poland and there were wars and it was cold and icky . . . but even in the worst of times, don't you have to dig yourself out of the hole you are in and find "Something, anything" to smile about?

I wonder what ran through his mind when my Baba left for Germany leaving Kashia in his care? I wonder why he didn't try to find a way to go after her? Or maybe he did? Maybe he did get to Germany and he is my moms dad too (I don't think so, but anything is possible.) And if he did go to Germany, why didn't he bring Kashia.

I was very excited about the pictures . . . It's very cool to put a face with the stories I have heard all my life. I'm going to see if I can find someone to translate the what is written on the pictures for me. So if you know anyone who speaks Polish who would be willing to translate for me, let me know.

On a quick note. My wonderful Tim came to spend Valentines with me, and I was a total dud! So tired and not the sharpest tool in the shed! but he was wonderful and helped in the store and here at home he was so good to me. I love him very much. We didn't take any picture this weekend, but we took some the last time he was here, so I think I will share those. Just because I'm so blessed to have him in my life!!!

We are so cute!!!

Not the greatest picture of us . . . but there we are . . . and we are together . . . and there is nothing better in Cheriland than being with Tim!!!


  1. That's wonderful. It's so much fun to get to know your family history. I found a half-brother through my research.

  2. I love the family history! The hardest part of my research is I don't read Polish and thats where all the family I really want to know about is.
