Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My foot

So my foot has been hurting for a month or so . . . and it has just gotten worse and worse . . .

You know, you try to baby it, when you first feel like it's hurting, and wrap it and soak it and try to stay off of it . . . but then it keeps hurting so you rub it with some stinky stuff . . . and that still doesn't help, so eventually you go to the doctor, (oh before you actually GO to the doctor, you call your friend who is a doctor and ask her what's wrong with it, and she tells you what she always tells you, "I can't diagnose you over the phone, I can't see it!")

So finally you go to the doctors and when you lift your pant leg to show the doc what you got going on, he is like "holy moly that is swollen!"

Yes, I already knew it was swollen . . . that's part of the reason I'm here, and it hurts!!!

The trusty doctor gets out his little prescription pad and writes out a prescription for anti inflammatory . . . and I start taking those in the parking lot of the doctors office!!

Finally some of the swelling goes down, but I still have tons of pain! (And I hate the pain pills, they really make me feel "gorked out" like the world is moving is FAST/SLOW MOTION, does that even make sense . . . I am totally no good on those pain pills, might as well sit at home and drool an stare at the walls . . .

Well, last night I was inspecting my foot since the swelling has gone down so much but the pain is still running rampant . . . and I feel this "knot" at the back of my ankle . . . holy crap!!! What is that??? And just in case you don't know what to look, here is an arrow to direct you to the bump at the back of my ankle.

So I'm thinking that what ever the doctor thinks popped off he told me either tendon or ligament, that it snapped back to the back of my ankle and is just sitting there in a little knot . . . ICK!!!!!

They are supposed to be calling me about setting up the MRI and I hope they get that done soon, I'm really getting scared about this . . . and the more time that goes by, the closer we get to the holidays, and I can't be out during the holidays for surgery, and I can't feel like this during the holidays either . . . they have to hurry up and get something accomplished for me. If I haven't heard from them today I will call them and see what's up!!! they have to hurry hurry!!

So please think good thoughts for me . . . this hurts and now I'm really scared . . . I hate to be scared . . . It feels so out of control! and I hate to be out of control!!! UGH!

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