Thursday, October 28, 2010

A heavy heart

I haven't figured out why the diagnosis on my foot has hit me so hard . . . I have known for some time that there is something seriously wrong with my foot. But to "know" how bad it really is has thrown me for a loop.

Two partial tears?!?!?!

I didn't know it was going to be that bad . . .

So now to the specialist.

I think the thing that troubles me is that with it only being partial tears, they are probably going to just keep me in the boot, no surgery . . . which I guess is both good and bad . . . surgery sucks, but to have to be in the boot through the winter and potentially another boot to sleep in has made my heart very heavy . . . To me that is NOT a fix . . . that is torture . . .


  1. are you flat footed??? tibial tendon tears are common in flat footed folks. if they give you the inflatable support, you will be SHOCKED at how much relief you get when the specialist can fit you properly and not just shove you in a boot.

    not that i'm a foot specialist, but i do play one in TX. :)

  2. No I'm not flat footed,I have a VERY high arch . . . I don't know . . . I just have a stupid foot!
