Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tim had a car accident

He had gone to his brothers to pick up a cart. And on the way back he was driving slowly down the road, post blizzard and there was a dog running loose on the street, and this lady hit him. She didn't even bother to slow down. Her car went under the back fender of the truck. The paramedics took her to the hospital in an ambulance.

Nothing really happened to the truck, since it's a "Big a$$ed truck" The big silver tool box that he has clamped down in the bed of the truck moved about 8 inches. so we got to get that moved back. And the back bumper is kind of a mess. Not really anything big.

when he got home I took him to the hospital, because he was hurting. they did some tests and xrays and put him in a neck brace and sent him home with some pain pills because he has whip lash.
It was kind of funny, he asked me to call his brother Donnie and so I did, and then I got a call from his brother Clint . . . with Tim being the youngest of 7 brothers, I thought well crap, I'm going to be standing outside the hospital in the cold all night talking to his brothers (No cell reception in the hospital) But happily ONLY Donnie and Clint called . . . I guess the other brothers talked amongst themselves.

I'm a bit annoyed at Tim because I think he should have stayed home and rested, but the goobersnot, went to work. MEN! My feeling is that he should rest and let his body recover .. . . even if its for a day. I don't understand why he would push his poor body when he obviously is in pain. UGH!
I guess that's the difference between men and women . . . Women have sense and men don't!

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