Thursday, January 6, 2011

I miss my computer

I am sitting at Tim's desk, wrapped up in a blanket, typing on a keyboard that doesn't feel right, wondering why he has two monitors on his desk and how to get my words on the monitor in front of me instead of the one to my left . . .

I miss my little heater under my desk, that warms my tooties . . . I miss my pink walls and MY music . . .

I feel like a traveler in a strange country . . . nothing is familiar ...

I miss my word program with my stories in it, so I can play with my imaginary friends . . . and work to get my books done, because I BELIEVE that this year is the year I will be published. I want to work on my stories! I have them perk-o-lating in my head . . . now I need to get them on to the computer, but I don't want to do that on Tim's computer, I want to do it on mine . . .

Oh where oh where has my computer gone . . . oh where oh where can it be . . .

I feel like Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus, when her spell book is taken by the good guys and she can't find it . . . "Oh Boooo oooook!" she cries out the window . . .

I skulk around my house in the dark early morning hours and cry "Computer!!! Oh Computer!! Where are you my darling?? Come home to mama!"


  1. im coming momma, i'm coming!! as fast as my little hard drive can take me back to your loving embrace!! the friends inside of me miss you so much!

  2. They told me at the computer store that I should have it TODAY!! Friday! Happy friday to me!!! Now I just got to get it home and plug it in and start typing . . . I'm eager to do some writing.
