Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving is all about the food!!! Well, kind of . . . Food and Booze . . . Well . . . Food, Booze and Family!! (not necessarily in that order!!)

Here is some of the fun from our holiday!

My beautiful aunty! (she hates to play games, but we MAKE her sit at the table and pretend to participate!) We give her wine and that helps! The boys think it is super fun to get Aunty drunk!

Mom and Aunty watching their team draw in pictionary.

James Drawing, Pop watching!
My wonderfully handsome boys Tony and Alex! They are so wonderful! I love them so much!

I Put the appetizers in the formal living room, and so the kids were in their munching on Deviled eggs and olives and cheese and crackers.

This year I even "plated" the turkey on a pretty platter filled with Pomegranate and orange, and artichokes. The turkey turned out golden brown and wonderfully juicy!

I cooked my mashed potatoes in the crock pot . . . they were lumpy . . . but super tasty! Oh and I made Home made Cranberry sauce! It was wonderfully Delicious!!

Green bean casserole, Dressing, and Gravy!~ YUMM!

Tim Carving the turkey! (Do you see the little picture of Thomas on my cupboard? He was watching over all of us!)

Great Grandma gave Kennedy an orange to eat, and then let her it it Rind and all . . . ick!

Kennedy is going through this phase where she doesn't like guys much . . . and so at this moment she isn't too fond of her Pappy . . . She looks at him and then looks at me and says "Ma?" Like what are you doing to me???

Destiny and Kennedy! So cute!

Me and my girlie!!! What a bucket of sweetness! I love her so much!

Do you see the tear on her cheek? she walked in to the edge of the table . . . I love this picture. . .

And just because I can't resist putting up another picture of Ken . . . here she is again~

don't you just love her little piggie tails!?!?! She is so adorable and makes my heart smile!!
I'm thankful for everyone you see in these pictures and a ton of people who you don't see, who couldn't be with us . . .
Thank you all for making my year not suck as much as I thought it would~ You all are so wonderful and I'm so glad to call you MINE!!!

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