Friday, November 19, 2010

Food and Family

I love my family! You know I do . . . I complain about them sometimes, because they are annoying to me . . . They get so caught up in what they are doing that they forget that it takes more than one person (ME) to run this house hold.

So here it is the almost end of November . . . and Christmas is looming . . . And Tim tells me that he wants "Long sleeve shirts and pajama pants for Christmas" Ok . . . I can do that, but why didn't he tell me that when I was shopping for Christmas gifts back in August . . . UGH! So yesterday I went and bought him Jammie pants and 4 long sleeve shirts . . . Fine . . . Done again! (I like to be done! It makes me happy !)

I had PT yesterday and then decided to go to Albertsons and Sam's to pick up some of the things I need for Thanksgiving . . . Albertsons had a great sale on things I needed. I spent $6o and saved almost $40! Yeee ha! (But I am grumpy and in pain after PT~ Although it IS helping, and I'm not hurting as much, at times when I haven't just come from PT)

When I was at Sams club, I picked up Frozen Fried rice, Frozen Orange chicken and Frozen Schezwan Beef . . . heat and serve . . . No brainer , right? Or so you would think . . . . (Big sigh)

I decided that I'm not cooking . . . it's frozen food, anyone can make it . . . I bought it, I am home from PT, I hurt, I shouldn't have to cook it. Right? so I tell Alex (My 22 year old son)

(Mine is the one on the Right, the tall one with his smilie face undies hanging out of his pants. ALWAYS hanging out of his pants!) I tell him it's his turn to cook . . . He is in college for Wind energy Technology, I think HEATING frozen food should be something he can do . . . Right?

Flash forward a few minutes and Alex calls from the kitchen "Mom, I think I put too much oil in the meat." "What? How much did it call for?" "2Tbs." "How much did you put in?" "I don't know, I just poured it in." "ok son." That's all I said, I left it at that (I continue to sit on the sofa, it's my night off from cooking, Right? I think my super smart son can handle this!) . . . a little while later he says "Foods done." (I guess I should clarify that . . . HE was done cooking the food, IT was not necessarily done.)

Go in to get a plate of food . . . The Schewazan beef is floating in oil! (He was right he did put too much oil in the pan!!!) I take the pan to the sink and drain the oil off . . . ICK! and the Fried rice is coated in oil also, not as much as the beef but it is slimy and leaves oil in your mouth, and the chicken in the rice is still frozen! The orange chicken was all right . . . but ooooo doggies who would have thought you could screw up FROZEN FOOD! I didn't! but now I know, it can be done!

It makes me wonder, did he screw up the food on purpose so that I wouldn't ask him to cook again??? Or is my boy, really that inept!?!?!?

We all Gag down the food . . . and am going to head up to bed . . . pass through the kitchen on my way . . . and oh my GOD . . . my kitchen looks like a heard of Chefs has passed through and created the most amazing meal ever to be had! Everything I own is dirty . . . (But we have a rule, the one who cooks doesn't have to clean up or put away~ except when I cook then it's still all on me~ although I haven't had to put the food away in the fridge for awhile~ Someone usually puts it away) So this morning I have to go down to my kitchen and clean it . . . since I didn't have to cook last night.

Did I really enjoy my NOT cooking night enough to ever do it again? I don't know . . . the jury is still out on that. I'll let you know after I clean my kitchen this morning.


  1. i will cook AND clean up the kitchen :)
    ... but only for you.

  2. That's because you are AMAZING!!!

    I was teasing Alex yesterday and he said he screwed it up because he didn't want to have to cook again! Now I'm on to him . . . I think I will make him cook more often because obviously he needs cooking lessons!
