Saturday, September 25, 2010


I was at work yesterday morning, trying to get my stuff done so I could come home and cook my BFF Jaqui's birthday dinner, she wanted the Chicken Artichoke squares I make . . . (They are super yummy but time consuming) But I love to cook special things for special people so it was my pleasure to do them.

When I told her to pick what she wanted, I didn't know my day, and especially my afternoon was going to go to hell in a hand basket.

My flowers were late getting to the store so then I had to scramble to get them done before mom came in, (I didn't want to leave her a bunch of work to do~ I like to leave her with NOTHING to do, other than just her paper work and to mind the front when someone comes in)

Alex calls me just a little before noon,

"Mom there is Blood all over the house and Jade is limping."


"There is a lot of blood!" (Alex is not a blood person, for someone as big as he is he gets squeemish around blood or needles. And you know what they say, "The bigger they are the harder they fall.") So I tell him to put a sock on her foot that is bleeding and keep her from running around. (As a family we are prone to exaggeration, so I didn't think it was as bad as what he was saying.) How bad, could it be? Right?

I still have to run to the store before I get home because I hadn't bought any of the stuff to make Jaqui's dinner, and she is coming over at 1. So I have 30 minutes to get to the store and get home before she gets here. I use the rotisserie chicken in my squares, so it has added flavor and is super yummy . . . and if they are still warm when you piece out the chicken then it helps to melt the sour cream and cream cheese. But I digress . . . This is NOT a cooking post.

So like a crazy red head , I Run through the store at super sonic speed. Get home, Alex wasn't lying, it looks like someone had been hacked up in my house!!!! Blood EVERYWHERE from the formal living room all through the formal dining room and kitchen, and all through the family room. YIKES! First I have to deal with Jade, I look to see if I can see what is wrong with her foot, can't tell, Call Tim. Tim is in Boulder . . . UGH! Call Tony, (It is his dog after all) he can't get out of work till 430 he will come then. UGH!!

I don't want to have a birthday celebration with all kinds of blood all over my house . . . so I get out the steam cleaner and try to get it cleaned up before Jaqui gets here.

In the mean time we double the sock on Jades foot she is bleeding through the socks and all over the dog bed. We went through 6 socks. I was really starting to worry because she was loosing so much blood.

I got really scared at this point because the blood was "pooling" under her foot.

In the mean time, Jaqui is sitting with Jade and I'm cooking. (Still trying to stay on track for our birthday celebration) This was one of my "wonder woman" moments, I can deal with everything, right? Best friends birthday, blood all over my house and my dog broken and bleeding . . . I can cope, I can deal . . . at least that's what I tell myself. In all reality I am not coping well . . . Smile and pretend . . . (I know that Jaqui knew I wasn't coping well . . . that how BFF's are.)

Tim and Tony finally get her and run out the door with Jade to take her to the vet. . . It's looking like she is going to have to have surgery, they think she cut a tendon. Since this was out of normal office hours they wanted $1100 to fix her up . So instead they gave us a bunch of meds and sent her back home. Tim and Tony will take her to the vet today and get her fixed up.

Here is our sweet Jade sleeping on the sofa with Tim, she is all bandaged up and drugged out . . . it was a stressful emotional night for her, and me!

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