Monday, June 28, 2010

Life Memos

Did you get the memo??

About ~

If you love someone tell them . . . tell them each and every time you see them how you feel, how they have changed your life . . . you never know when it will be the last time you get to talk to them.

Label all your pictures . . . of who, what, when and where, and if you want you can add how . . . but always label your pictures . . . someday you may not be around to tell people what was going on, and who those people were.

If you have an older person in your life, sit and talk with them. Tape them if possible, so you will always have that documentation of who they are.

Open doors for others . . . when did we become a society of people who are so self centered that they can't hold the door open for someone else.

Smile at children and enjoy the way they are, have fun with them and recall the joy you had as a child!

Pet animals (Be sure they are friendly first) it's amazing how just something so simple as petting an animal, can calm you down and make you see life in a new perspective.

Write a letter . . . no one writes letters any more! But isn't wonderful to get real mail?!?!? let someone know you care with a real letter . . . your own handwriting . . . very personal and

Anyone you have ever truly loved, you will always love . . . (in some place in your heart) it just grows and changes . . . remember that, even when they annoy you.

If you have ever had a broken heart . . . you need to take the time to heal . . . to figure it all out . . .take the time you need.

Tell the people you love that you love them. It's important.

Don't allow bad people in to your lives . . . and if you have people who bring you more harm than good, get rid of them, you don't have to have them in your life . . . you are not required to be friends with someone, or even family . . . (Well, you are still family, but if they are not adding to your greater good, you don't have to associate with them . . . you can choose not to.)

Take care of you! sometimes we are all so busy "doing" this and "doing" that . . . that we for get to just "BE" and take the time we need to just "Be" and enjoy . . . enjoy a good meal, or a bubble bath, or a glass of wine . . . enjoy the conversation of a good friend or the picture of a loved one.

Be sentimental . . . recall in vivid detail the things from the past that have made you happy . . . that have brought a smile to your face . . .

I know there are more things . . . but . . . I can't think of them at the moment. You can add to your own "life memo" . . . it's important not to forget, that we are all here for a blink of an eye . . . what do you want to leave as your legacy . . . live spherically!


  1. You're right Cheri, No one writes real snail mail letters anymore. Not much anyway. I write one every now and then. It's nice to get a hand written or typed letter. I used to get a Christmas letter from one of my friends but she doen't even do that anymore.

  2. Cheri!!!! That is absolutely beautiful!!! And so very true.....I don't know that my heart will ever heal from some hurts.......but I do know that I'm blessed to have some wonderful loves and friends in my life and you are one of them!!!! HUGS!!!!
