Monday, October 26, 2009

Urgent Care

Ok so as I was finishing up the wedding and putting the last bouquet in the cooler, the cooler came back and hit my finger. I heard a pop, mom heard a pop, all the way across the rooom. I grabbed my hand and said to mom, "I just broke my finger."

So I text Tim, "Oops. I broke my finger." And then I went about trying to finish up the things I needed to do. Tim called and I didn't answer, but as soon as I got in the car to go home I called him. And he was UNHAPPY with me. "If you hurt yourself, you can NOT tell me in TEXT!!!" Ok, I know the rules now, I won't tell him in text any more. Promise.

I get home and Tim says he wants me to go to Urgent care. I don't want to go, so I call Jenn, one of my Besties, And resident doctor and ask her . . . (Just so you know Jenn you are supposed to side with me on these things~ Now you know.) and silly her tells me that I need to go to the Urgent care . . . UGH!!!

So Tim drags me there, he is still cranky with me for Texting him I was hurt, and then me dragging my feet not to go.

This is Tim's cranky face.

And again . . . OK I understand the rules now, I can't text that I'm hurt, quit being cranky at me.This is me being upset because I'm in the Urgent Care with Cranky Tim and there are people with Butt fungus there and I'm thinking I'm going to get sick . . . I don't like Doctors offices! ICK!

So this is the part of me that is causing all this trouble. It's just a little part, how can it create so much Whoo~ha?
So they xray it and decide that I did not break it but I popped the ligaments in it, and I have to wear this beautiful thing on my hand for at least 2 weeks . . . UGH! So that's the joys of being a klutz!

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