Thursday, January 14, 2010

OFFICE Facelift

My office used to be my guest room, and I painted the wall purple because its my BFF Lorinda's favorite color, and I had a floral bed spread on the bed and the purple went fine. But I'm not a purple person . . . I love the warm colors, the reds oranges yellows. I'm not too fond of the Blues greens and purples, they feel very cool to me. The purple it was/is , is a pretty purple color, but just not me. My office will be getting a beautiful face lift, and I'm going to be able to "Simplify" in here.

(I don't know why that is blue and underlined . . . And I don't' know how to make it go away. Oh well)

I'm so excited! To have a red wall in here. I'm so excited to declutter and "simplify" I'm thinking that having my room more organized will help me to be more productive with my scrapbooking and what not (maybe even bill paying~ UGH!)

I will post pictures after it's all done . . . But this is the colors as of RIGHT NOW.

Maybe if I've been a good girl (highly doubtful~ you know me.) maybe Tim (I love you sweetie) will paint it today while I'm at work. I know he hates how I paint . . . but I would love to come home and see it all done!


  1. Funny, it's underlined and orange on my computer!

    I had a brick red scrap room before. Loved it. I'm going with a celery green this time. I'm a major green/blue person, not purple so much.

  2. YOU had a BLUE wall in your house? You hate blue! I love purple! We are color opposites! In my guest room I have a lavendar...maybe that's not the right color...light purple comforter with dark purple throw pillows. I think you went with me when I bought it after moving out of you know where into my own apartment. My guest bath is also purple. Could you bear to come stay here?!
